After all the foregoing considerations are in place, an Advisor must step back and observe the change (or lack of change) and evaluate resistance to change. We know - no two teams are alike. Each will proceed at its own pace. Individuals will ‘spin up’ quickly or slowly depending upon comfort level.
Effective change and improvement cannot be prescribed nor forecasted. That said, it is incumbent upon the Advisor to identify the issues that will either move a team forward or impede its progress. An assessment is a delicate balance between coaching, mentoring, and providing guidance to help the team make big decisions.
Indeed, along the way from first listening, to engaging and collaborating, the Advisor will recognize the baseline of capability inherent within the company. For the outsider (Advisor), the method in which these outcomes are documented, presented, and acted upon is critical and will define the difference between a successful or unsuccessful engagement.
Contact us with any questions or for more information.
Tags: #evaluate, #considerations, #advisor, #resistance, #change, #effectiveness, #change management, #issues, #team, #progress, #coaching, #mentoring, #guidance, #acted upon, #options, #successful