​​The Dilemma Every Business Faces
Sales are slowing
Cash is getting low
Schedules seem to be slipping
Your Board wants more insight into the future:
What they can expect for valuation
And when?
Do any of these topics seem familiar?
As owners/founders, we know that along the path to success there are ‘bumps’ and hesitations. Some of these situations are predictable, others are unforeseen.
When you need to step back and assess where you are, what you need to do and what the outcomes could be, you may want to consider Venture Triage (VT).
VT is a proven approach to discovering where your business is currently, what options exist and what to do next. As the name implies, being able to stabilize the current business situation by using a proven set of processes administered by professionals who have been in the same situation is paramount.
We can quickly counsel you about what courses of action you may want to consider, what resources you may need and how to solve the issues that you face.
Contact us at info@pontemadvisors.org to schedule a no obligation introductory call. Let us help.